4 posts from day 19/10/2012

It’s A Beautiful Day

It's a crunch through the leaves day. A football throwing, wiffle-ball hitting, hide-and-go-seek day. A cocoa and hot apple cider day.

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billy graham, who is billy graham, about billy graham

Why Billy Graham Took Out a Full-Page Ad In The Wall Street Journal Yesterday and How a Nation Responded

Who is Billy Graham and why did he take out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal? What about Billy Graham's words spurred hate?

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Jimmy Kimmel YouTube Video: Presidential Debate Interviews

Jimmy Kimmel YouTube interview that pranks people about politics. A Jimmy Kimmel video that's both funny and telling. Best of you tube.

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So You Want to Make Friends?

Hang around people who want to connect as deeply as you do. Who are at least curious about what a relationship can be.

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