3 posts from day 25/10/2012

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One Day At a Time, Sweet Jesus

Every single day holds opportunity. That's 365 opportunities a year. If you commit to doing even one thing each day to invest in people, you'll have built a small community around yourself by the end of the year. Here's something small you could start with today: Send an email to check on that co-worker who has been absent. Take a meal, or order takeout, for someone who is recovering from sickness, surgery or loss. Offer to babysit someone's kids free of charge to give them an ...

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Mob Responding to Cragislist Ad Rob Foreclosed Vercher Family

When a family facing foreclosure placed a Craigslist ad about giving away some items before they moved, they never imagined this. Steal.

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How to Small Talk Your Way Into a Hidden Danger

It's easy to sideline relationships, to get by on small talk and handshakes, as we move through our busy days. beware of a hidden danger.

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