How To Search For Family
Step 1: Take a reflective look at the people in your surroundings.
Step 2: Search complete.
Sure, the people around you may not have grandma’s trademark dimpled chin or Uncle Elmer’s pointy, misshapen ears (thank God), but from a faith perspective, we all may be more connected than we think.
Three questions for consideration:
1. Does the person look like you or any of your relatives?
Well, they have to, right? After all, we all look a little like our maker. (Genesis 1:27)
2. Is the person related by blood?
Absolutely. God brought us all together through the blood of Jesus. (Colossians 1:20)
3. Do you have a parent in common?
Totally. We have the same Father. (Romans 8:17)
If we look a little alike, we’re related by blood, and we have the same Father, I think it’s okay for us to act a little more like family. Don’t you?
Pass it on: we’re family.