Jackson Friends Beware
Um, so I may have forgot to mention that I’m doing a reading and signing at the Jackson Coffee Co. on Mechanic St. this coming Tuesday (Feb 2) from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
One of my stunned-to-learn-I’m-an-author-co-workers from two doors down just emailed everyone this really great and gracious email spreading the news because apparently I am deficient in the spread-the-word department.
Now “the secret” is out, I’m afraid, because I starred–yes “starred”–on the infamous Bart Hawley show on our very own J-TV.
You should be able to watch it since I know you Tivo it every night, right?
I don’t want to ruin it for you, but you need to know–although Bart and his staff were kind and sociable, sadly, I did not get to ring the bell.
There’s also going to be a story in the Cit Pat in the morning (oh and some radio interviews-thanks Greg O’Connor and Rachel), so I’m thinking my anonymity gig (outside of Facebook and Twitter-land) is up.
The truth is: I’d like to see you at the signing. I really would. So come out and get some locally owned coffee, listen to me read a five minute schpeel from the new book, and pick up a 20% discount on a book if you’d like one. ($12 cash or check)
This Tuesday. Jackson Coffee Co on Mechanic St.. 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Love to you all.