Chuck Has the Magic Touch

Chuck has the magic touch this week.

Earlier in the week, he went to the ATM and it coughed out an extra $20. He scrambled inside to give it back too (yes, I got the LAST honest guy on the planet).  After the workers recovered from their shock, they decided it was impossible to tell what had gone wrong and let him keep it.

I’m thinking that raises the Sweet Tea budget for this week.

A couple days later, Chuck goes to get his oil changed and they do that 37-or 91-or whatever-point-“free” vehicle check (read GIANT EXCUSE to sell you a $46 windshield wiper).

As he pulls out, with Emperor Mini Chuck in tow, a car flags him down not women chasing his hotness but a guy who is pointing frantically at his tire, which now does not resemble a tire but more of droopy ill-fitting shirt for his rim.

Chuck calls the drive thru oil place back and says, not to point any fingers, but…my car that was sporting four working tires pre-air-pressure check is now on the three tire plan.

This is when the oil change guy gets in his car and drives over to the gas station, takes the tire apart (that may not be the right explanation, but I’m going with it) and then orders a tow truck to get the car back to the shop.

He then repairs the tire (which apparently contains some sort of hi-tech sensor,( i.e. tracking device to monitor chuck’s whereabouts)  and replaces it….all at zero cost to Chuck.

I know this is the way the world is supposed to work, but we all know that too often it doesn’t.

Then to top it all off, today is Chuck’s night on duty as Emperor Justus’ chief of staff, and the tiny tyrant just leisurely falls asleep as he plays with a—you guessed it, empty Iced Tea cup—between us. He has now been sleeping soundly for hours.

Chuck has the magic touch.

You have my permission to bump up against him in the hallway to try and absorb some of the magic.

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