When You Hear This, Run.
If anyone has said to you…
You’re too idealistic.
You’re such a dreamer.
That’s not realistic.
It will never work.
You don’t have the skills.
Then what they mean is…
They stopped dreaming a long time ago.
They wouldn’t know hope if it hit them in the head.
Their vision is deteriorating, they can barely see through the glaucoma of normal.
The last vision they had was sometime in the 80’s.
And it was drawn on a flip chart by a guy with parted gelled hair and a tie.
You should get as far away from them as you can get.
And keep dreaming.
Sherie November 15, 2010 (7:29 pm)
Sarah, I haven’t been up to date on your blog for a few weeks because my RSS feed stopped pulling your site. Glad I got updated (thanks to Mike’s reminder). This post, especially following the tweetable life, really spoke to me. Several people lately have been telling me I am doing too much, involved in too many places, and they are concerned I am doing it for my identity. While I appreciate the honest feedback, there is a part where I know I am doing it out of changes the Lord has made in my heart and life. I have received the feedback and respect it, but there is a time when we have to say, “My dreams are mine, and you do not need to understand them or walk into them with me, just let me live them and pursue them. If I fall and fail, I hope you will be there to help me dream again.” I hope I can inspire them with my dreams and actions, but if not, then I am going to still pursue them and just put a little more distance there so that my dreams can grow and not be stiffled.
Keep dreaming, writing, and living loud!
Sarah Cunningham November 16, 2010 (6:03 pm)
I loved what you said about not needing people to understand them. And it’s great that you still try to hear with an open mind and filter for truth…without letting that tear you away from what God is stirring in you. Can’t wait to see where that mentality takes you.
Roger Greiwe May 22, 2011 (5:05 am)
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