Are You What You Say You Are?

You wake up at 4 a.m., but can’t sleep (those burritos get you every time). So you switch on the TV.

And its your lucky day. Someone is selling the product of a lifetime.

And that’s not all.

If you call to order now, you’ll get not just one, but two products of a lifetime. For eighteen easy payments of just something-ninety-nine.

Its a pen that will magically restore your totaled car.

Little coasters that do the work of a professional moving team.

A purse that organizes everything you own so that you can carry your entire house over your shoulder (okay that’s my actual favorite).

Each and every item will change your life.

Or…will it?

The answer, according to the Consumers Reports people, is probably not.

In this study, they tested 15 popular As-Seen-On-TV products to see if the items were really what the sellers  said they were.

Take this example. Here’s the actual short-mercial (the under 2-min. infomercial ad ) for the Slap Chop.

But here’s a video of how the Slap Chop performed for everyday people on this side of the TV screen.

A little bit of a difference, huh?

It makes me think…

Am I doing better than that?

Am I what I say I am?

Or am I hiding the flaws beneath my shiny packaging?

What about you? Have a favorite infomercial? Have you ever called and ordered a product? Click on comment buttonthe brown box beneath the title of this post (see pic) to tell us about your experience to automatically enter to win today’s giveaway: The Sacredness of Questioning Everything by David DarkIn this provocative, entertaining book, author David Dark writes, “The summons to sacred questioning, like a call to honesty, like a call to prayer, is a call to be true and to let the chips fall where they may.” Far from being a sign of cynicism or weakness, questions are not only positive but crucial for our health and well-being. Tweet about this contest using @sarahcunning or #pickingdandelions in your tweet and you will be entered in the drawing a second time. **Contest runs until midnight tonight so get your entries in now.**



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    Eric Wilkinson January 10, 2010 (10:27 am)

    I haven’t bought anything from an infomercial, but Malcolm Gladwell talks about one of the fathers of infomercials in his new book, What the Dog Saw. It’s pretty interesting stuff.

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    Kris Wood January 10, 2010 (11:20 am)

    Yep! I bought some stuff in the 90’s. BUT, I researched ’em before buying. They’re both as good as claimed: Miracle Blade and Quick & Brite. Have bought extra knives as gifts…Would buy both again. ;) Haven’t bought anything else…yet. ;)

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    Danielle January 10, 2010 (11:31 am)

    Here in Atlanta, they do a daily segment on the morning news,”Try It Before You Buy It.” It is a great resource for eliminating my desires for buying items featured in infomercials. Most of the time the products are a “bust”, only a few times are they what they promise to be.

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    Sarah Martin January 10, 2010 (1:07 pm)

    I am totally a sucker for exercise videos on infomercials. I do actually use them, though. Interesting thoughts!

    Going to tweet right now. Great job girl! Having fun getting to know you via your website and twitter.

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    Keith Lee January 10, 2010 (5:38 pm)

    I have never ordered anything from infomercials. I will admit this though – watching them is a guilty pleasure. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the same infomercials – and how many books I could have read had I not been glued to the tube – but I just can’t get enough of them.

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    Jennie Sottovia January 10, 2010 (7:31 pm)

    I used to mock on my sister for loving to watch infomercials. I must admit that I have since found myself sucked in by the magic that they promise. I have ordered a few things from them and some were good (Yoga Booty Ballet) and others totally stunk (Meaningful Beauty). I am sad to hear that the chopper thing doesn’t work out so well as the commercial is extremely amusing:)

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    Jen January 10, 2010 (8:20 pm)

    Proactiv. It’s the only thing I ever bought from an infomercial, and I learned firsthand that it will not give every girl movie star skin. There are wonderful fine print disclaimers in the box that admit it.

    Other than that, I’ve always been super-skeptical of anything sold on TV with wild promises. My grandma did give me a Snuggie for Christmas though. It’s still in the box, but I *love* the bonus book light that came with it! :)

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    Michele January 10, 2010 (9:27 pm)

    I never bought anything from an infomercial…EXCEPT I strongly considered buying the Sheer Cover makeup that Leeza Gibbons hawked awhile back, but after looking it up on the internet and reading several bad reviews I changed my mind. Funny…I was, in fact, trying to hide MY flaws, but it was with smooth packaging, not shiny. Typically, I find that most of my attempts at flaw hiding also end up being flawed, but it appears that’s just how I’m supposed to roll. ;)

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    Taima Marie January 10, 2010 (10:15 pm)

    Well, I have bought As Seen On TV products, but not off the television. We don’t believe in credit cards or something at my house.

    The first thing I ever bought was one of those magic hair eraser things? You know, the little razors that “erase” the hair and “don’t hurt”?

    They do hurt. If you push too hard.

    I bought mine for ten bucks down at the Walgreen’s. I’d been fussing over my barely visible stray eyebrow hairs, so my mother bought it for me because I’d begged and pleaded and she had a headache.

    I painted my room before I used it. With the windows closed. Did you know paint fumes can make you er–loopy? I didn’t. I removed three quarters of my eyebrows. The next day was my first day of high school. That was awesome.

    I have a fake Snuggie though. It has changed my life.

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    Tricia Raney January 10, 2010 (11:11 pm)

    Dude! Those hanger things that save closet space! I never ordered them becuase I’m chicken…but my MIL got them for me for Christmas…& they are AMAZING!!

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    stephanie Gates January 10, 2010 (11:21 pm)

    i’ve never worked up the nerve to order… but have totally contemplated.

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    Jenna January 10, 2010 (11:35 pm)

    Practically embarassing.
    I fell prey to the fountain-of-youth-promises contained in the enzymes of a fairytale melon. Sadly, rather than bearing the glow of Cindy Crawford, I shedded skin like a snake. Just say no.

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    Charles Peters January 10, 2010 (11:39 pm)

    I’ve never bought anything but I can recall several nights where I’ve stayed up late to watch those Time Life CD collection infomercials

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    Sarah Cunningham January 11, 2010 (12:08 am)

    Thanks everyone for playing. 22 more days of giveaways to go and–don’t forget–regular participants will be eligible for bonus drawings Feb. 1st.

    Today’s Winner: Sacredness of Questioning Everything goes to Shawn Kirsch

    Congrats, Shawn!

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