Then Klansman Began Turning In Their Hoods to This Black Musician
n 1983, a member of the KKK listened as black musician Daryl Davis performed in an all-white lounge.That friendship led Davis to begin a lifelong quest to befriend KKK members and, as a result, collects the robes and hoods of Klansmen who choose to leave the organization because of their friendship with him.
I Love You More Than My Cell Phone
One restaurant owner believes that mealtime should be free from distractions like texting and compulsively checking a smart phone. Jawdat Ibrahim is so passionate about restoring an atmosphere that fosters genuine conversations that he’s offering customers a 50% discount on their meal if they turn off their phones when they enter his establishment.
When Pretending To Be Someone Else Doesn’t Help
As soon as I saw my son's friend's dad, my arms began to rise like a hungry zombie, “We are going to hug you, Semi-familiar-Dude-in-the-grocery-store!”, and my brain was like, “WHAT IS HAPPENING?!”. So my arms were indicating they wanted a hug but my face was implying that a hug was a really bad idea. That poor guy. I'm just so confusing, with my arms that say “hug” and my face that says “stab”. But it gets worse! Because. My mouth was going non-stop during this terrible, terrible interaction...
As I leaned in, my mouth actually said, out loud, “Oookaaay. Here we go. ...We are hugging... Yup. We're doing this. And a pat on the back. What?!.. Aaannd....DONE. *whew*!!”
I Filter Life Through What’s Convenient For Me
On my best days, I not only notice the peripheral beings around me, but I leap to action, instinctively acting to lessen burdens and breathe hope. Other days, I see need and begin calculating. I bite my lip, think about it, check the time, add up resources in my head.
I try to filter my life through what's convenient for me.
Lessons In How Snow Falls & Other Fun Stuff
Lesson of the day: when snow falls, it apparently falls in blankets. It washes over everything; a bright white canvas as far as the eye can see.