This is a Single Clean Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla suctus. Pellentesque ipsum erat, facilisis ut venenatis eu, sodales vel dolor.
Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, ...
Fake Facebook: Are you living a double life…by projecting yourself differently online than in real life?
Some even report feeling pressured to choose activities worthy of posting or tweeting about. They're literally scheduling their day around whether or not they think certain activities would impress their followers or (gag) maintain their brand in the marketplace.
This. This is how we do it.
This is how we do it. Stories about people who stir good in this world. And stories that point to how the world can be. Losing sense of community...
Will Internet Addiction, Cell Phone Addiction, or Other Forms of Technology Addictions Slowly Chip Away at the Fabric of Society?
But the irony in it all of course is that all the previous inventions that had our grandparents perma-scowling from their la-z-boys and front porch rockers—the telephone or the radio or the television and so on--didn’t lead to the downfall of civilization after all. Humans are, in fact, pretty adaptable creatures who almost always find a way to integrate technology into the normal rhythms of life.
Back to School, Back to Writing, Back to Blogging
I'm back from my summer of little-blogging. Thanks for tuning in again, friends. I missed you.
This morning I dropped this snazzy guy above, backpack in hand, at the preschool for the first time.
I was carrying Mac, our one year old, and a checkbook and saying super wise things like about how when you get out of the car in the morning, you should go right through the grass to the sidewalk so all of the SUV's doubling as race cars don't run you over.
That seemed important...