I Yell and You Yell Back – Welcome to the World Wide Web

globe and internet

I do not live in Hollywood.
I do not live in New York City.
I don’t even live in a more mid-size-city, like Atlanta or Pittsburgh or Nashville.

So sometimes it amazes me that anyone anywhere ever hears anything about my book.

A book written by this middle class white girl…
In tiny prison city.
In the economically shrinking state of Michigan.

Sometimes I feel like yelling to the wind,
Is anyone there????!!!

The very coolest thing is that people–way out there, on some other corner of the internet, on the other side of the world–reply.
You drop by my blog.
You click that you “like” my cheesy Facebook quotes (thanks for patronizing me).
You take my rookie-self under your wings in Twitterland.

You’re cool like that.

To you, I say thank you.
Thank you for supporting a stranger.
Thank you for being part of my journey.
Thank you for helping write and live my story.

And as far as I’m concerned,
My story is your story.

Like the preface to Picking Dandelions says,
I’ve come to believe that the most powerful transformations are not distinctive, exclusive discoveries that separate one film writer’s or one author’s experience from the rest of humanity. They are, instead, pieces of personal tales that offer something universal. They are ordinary stories that point to the extraordinariness of Eden growing up among the everyday weeds of our lives.

Especially, to the latest round of bloggers, I say thanks:


1 Comment

  • comment-avatar
    Amelia March 16, 2010 (7:59 pm)

    I recently read a review about your book on Anne Jackson’s site and had to come visit. I’m looking forward to reading your book (my husband actually works at your publisher….I need to tell him to keep me more informed of the good reads! lol). Thanks for writing and blogging. Looking forward to reading your journey.

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