Its Prom Day All Over Again

HI RES pickingdandelions_sc


The rumor on the street is true (for those of you out socializing in the alleyways this morning).

My new memoir, Picking Dandelions, just arrived in stores TODAY.


Its an actual book sitting on actual shelves in actual stores–hopefully doing some sort of song and dance to attract the actual customers walking by.

Go ahead. Pinch yourself.

And, of course, in our high tech age… the World Wide Web has begun to react.

You should know the initial media reaction, for writers, is like your grand entrance on Prom Night. (Will people rush over to get their snapshot taken with you? And will it be because they think your awkward-17 year old self is working the red carpet with style or because they want to make fun of your hideous royal blue taffeta dress and snazzy-updo later?)

I’m happy to report, with a sigh of relief, that the first voices to weigh in must be the nice kids.prom

Susan Isaacs (author of Angry Conversations with God), Jonathan Merritt (author of Green Like God) and Shannon Dittemore (the first of many fig tree women I’ll tell you more about later) have made me feel–at least for the minute–that I won’t have to go running from the prom in embarrassment (Whew!).

Also check out Dean Lusk’s pre-review. Pretty generous, ay?

Maybe I’ll relax and dance a little. :)

P.S. Please mosey yourself over to Amazon and pick up the book early if you’d like to add your support to the mix. Thank you in advance. You’re all more than I ever expected.

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    Melissa Lea February 1, 2010 (8:03 pm)

    Congratulations to you! :)

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    Dawn Thomas February 1, 2010 (9:08 pm)

    ACK! I tried to order one today on Amazon and it says estimated ship date is Feb 23! I will have to go the the local Christian bookstore to get it on payday I guess! I did however order Dear Church: Letters from a Disillusioned Generation!

  • uberVU - social comments February 2, 2010 (12:50 am)

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by sarahcunning: My new book, Picking Dandelions, hit shelves today. Its Prom Day all over again:

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    Willena Flewelling February 2, 2010 (4:07 am)

    Congratulations, Sarah!! Sounds like a good book!

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