Nickname Derivatives

michael scottMichael takes the temp, Ryan, on a tour of the facility and they run into Daryl, a member of the warehouse staff.

“This is Mr.Rogers.” Michael announces enthusiastically.

The temp nods.

“That’s not my name.” Daryl corrects him, clearly unamused.

Daryl then explains how he wound up with this label.

His name is Daryl Philbin.

Which prompted Michael to call him “Regis”.

Which Michael eventually shortened to “Reg”…

And then evolved to “Rog”.

And concluded at “Mr.Rogers”.

When I saw this episode, I realized that…all of us have a little Michael Scott in us.

This episode was my episode, because my Michael moments come out in the occasional nickname spinoff.

Take my dog Wrigley (named after Wrigley Field – ahem, my husband’s idea).

First it was “Wrig”.

Then it was “Little Rig”and “Big Rig”, which I thought was clever in an I-drive-a-semi-sort-of-way.

Its then evolved into…





He’s currently “high rolla”.

But I’m thinking of going somewhere new with that.

Suggestions?comment button

Give my manic Jack Russell Taylor a new nickname (he’s overdue), complete my Michael Scott moment, and win today’s giveaway. Just click on the comment box under the title of this blog post to add your nickname spin. Add more entries on Twitter by tweeting about the contest (using @sarahcunningham or the #pickingdandelions hashtag).

Mad Church Disease: Overcoming the Burnout Epidemic by Anne JacksonIn the book, Mad Church Disease , popular author and blogger, Anne Jackson, digs into the causes, symptoms and solutions of a wide variety of challenges stemming from involvement with the church.

The countdown to the release of my new book, Picking Dandelions, by the way, is down to 18 days. That means 18 more days of giveaways so stay tuned.



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    Kim and Lee Fields January 14, 2010 (8:28 am)

    Rola-Derby…RockinRola…Wrig-ama-Rola :)

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    Chris Mathews January 14, 2010 (10:23 am)

    Rollaway or rollaway bed.

    One of our dog’s is Shadow. He got that name from Bailee’s Shadow(our other dog is Bailee) to Shadowpants to Sir Pantsalot.

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    Jill Kuhn January 14, 2010 (10:32 am)

    How about Jack-O Rolla?

    One of my girls is named Haley, which got changed to Haley Schmaley, Schmaley, Schmaley Mailers, Schmales.

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    Jeff Partain January 14, 2010 (11:05 am)

    As an English teacher, I’ve always loved naming pets after philosophers or literary characters. There’s something hilarious and bizarre about yelling, “Erasmus! Stop peeing on the rug!” Or “Gatsby, get inside out of the rain.” I’d recommend Socrates or perhaps Atticus…

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    Michelle Van Loon January 14, 2010 (2:14 pm)

    Take the Michael Scott free association thing in a whole new direction.

    Call the dog “Show Me”. The city of Rolla is in Missouri, the Show Me state. Things like “Show Me where you hid the bone” and “Show Me where you peed in the living room”.

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    phil owen January 14, 2010 (2:29 pm)


    it works.

    go with it.

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    Brian Black January 14, 2010 (4:13 pm)

    Okay, here we go …

    In your post it looks like his name is Jack Russell Taylor or just Jack Taylor if you skip the “middle” name as most of us do.
    Jack Taylor reminds me of Zac Taylor who was the 12th President of the United States.
    The President is sometimes referred to the POTUS for short, thus we come to the new nickname … Potus.

    Hopefully done in true Michael Scott fashion.

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    Jen Rose January 14, 2010 (4:20 pm)

    Rick Rolla. Or you can take it to the Michael Scott extreme and go with Rick Astley. :D

    My poor family cats have had similar problems. One was named Magnetic (hey, my sister was, like, 9 when she named him!) which was eventually shortened to the less strange Mag. Since then, he’s been Magpie, Mag-P, and (unfortunately) Maggie May.

    Then there’s Kuro (Japanese for black) which evolved into Yo-Yo, Momo, and Kuroneko-sama (“Emperor Black Cat”)

    Oh the things we can do to our pets! :)

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    Naysa Henderson Heilig January 14, 2010 (4:32 pm)

    How about Rolls Royce? I have a Jack Russel as well and know that they are not the glamor dog that this name would imply!

    I, too, have change my dog’s name several times over her 10 years of life. Her real name is Laika, which turned into Laika Sue and then Suey, Luey and eventually Beakies! Not sure where that came from!? My husband also calls her Lightbulb Head. Poor thing probably has an identity crisis by now…

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    Taima Marie January 14, 2010 (4:34 pm)

    The Ring Master!

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    Wally January 14, 2010 (4:36 pm)

    A Michael Scott move is association, so call him “Banks”, like Ernie Banks a Cub legend.

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    Sarah Martin January 14, 2010 (8:06 pm)

    How about Michael in honor of your Office episode. I am so not good at this kind of stuff!

    Can’t wait to hear more about Picking Dandelions! Tweeted twice today about your giveaway.

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    Ileana Ortiz January 14, 2010 (8:37 pm)

    Rick Rolled, Rick Rolla, Rick Ross, Riggy, Rigster, Riggy – Riggity- Rack.

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    Andrea Schultz January 14, 2010 (9:15 pm)

    How about Cubbie? A little outdated, but it extrapolates!

    We have two English cocker spaniels, Toby (male, age 14) and Shelby (female, age 5). Toby has a million nicknames – Tobe, Tobias, T-Bone, Bob T, Sweet T, and on it goes!

    For some reason, I call Shelby Shub or Shrub – shorter versions of her name.

    I also call Toby Toby Louis; so, of course, his sister has to be called Shelby Louise…..!!

    Hoping to reading ‘Picking Dandelions’ soon! And have wanted to reading Anne Jackson’s book forever!

    I tweeted about your swell contest, fyi!

    Blessings –


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    Kendra Grubinski January 14, 2010 (11:14 pm)

    Rig n Roll, which could evolve to Rock n Roll and subsequently Rockie… Oh Adrienne!!!

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    Lisa January 14, 2010 (11:45 pm)

    Rolla… on a roll… on a bun… weiner-schnitzel!

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    TomKinsfather January 15, 2010 (12:14 am)

    Rowdy, Rollie, Rowdy Roller. My daughter names all here stuffed dogs “dog.” Same goes for several other animals. What’s this one’s name. “Cat.” Ohh.

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    Sarah Cunningham January 15, 2010 (8:58 am)

    Yesterday’s entries here and at Twitter showed a lot of creativity and enthusiasm. Thanks! Yesterday’s book giveaway winner: Sweetie Berry. Congrats on winning Mad Church Disease! (The book, not the disease itself.)

    Remember, all regular participants are eligible for bonus drawings at the end of the 25 days (Feb. 1st)

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