The premise of the book I’m working procrastinating on can be traced to the two people in this photo, i.e. my younger brothers.
David Raymond.
John Raymond.
They are three and eight years younger than me, respectively. (But when people ask if I’m the youngest, I ALWAYS say yes. Feel free to further that rumor.)
Both lived with Chuck and I during their college summers and their senior years of college.
Both are now high school English and History teachers (some of you may be sensing a trend?).
Both, by the way, are as high caliber as they come.
They are brothers in every sense of the word –genetically, relationally, spiritually.
And, in turn, they are the reason why certain parts of the Bible make sense to me.
Why it hits me in the heart how thick and rich it was for Jesus and the early church to call each other “brothers” or “sisters”.
How the faith was supposed to reflect a deep-running spiritual comraderie like that of loving siblings.
But here’s where I’m going with this: the brotherhood (and sistahood) that Jesus lead? It was all-inclusive.
I’m not the perfect older sister. But my brothers and I are close. There is no question they are top of my list in life. (I’m their only favorite sister too.)
Learning to be that same sister to the rest of planet? That’s what I’m working writing procrastinating on.
Sherie September 20, 2010 (2:14 pm)
Sounds like great thinking, wrestling, and heart felt stories are afoot. I am so glad you learned about family, and about how it reaches past blood to people like James. I also am glad you are learning more, learning about the family we are connected to with a different Father and because of a different type of blood. Blessings as you write.