Updates From a Mitten Dweller

  • Welcome new blog readers! There’s been a few of you lately. :)
  • This blog’s theme is bringing people together around good things.
  • As you may have already figured out, the site tends to be an extension of my real world, which is dominated by projects related to writing and brotherhood.  You’ll also catch some occasional musings about creativity, faith, and, of course, the Emperor.
  • There are three ways to get more connected here. You can participate in the Human Trafficking awareness campaign, those who aspire to write a book can get free resources and support, and you can learn more about a resource for churches and individuals who want to get to know their surrounding communities.
  • In the mean time, my life continues to be a great blend of community and ideas. Some of them are still in the works, but here’s a sneak peek of where this experimental year has taken me so far.
  • Yes. It’s true. I’ve taken up coaching junior high basketball in the public school systems where my husband and I have worked for years. You would not believe how great I look with whistle around my neck and a clipboard in hand. :)
  • Finally started a neighborhood Facebook page to pull our little niche of the local community together. I’ll update you on where that goes…
  • Good friends Tracee Persiko, Alece Ronzino and I are hosting a fun mixer for faith bloggers (and general influencers) in Nashville this weekend. More details here…
  • I’ve had an awesome time taking on some new publishing projects, including the piece for STORY and Moody I mentioned earlier this week.
  • Speaking of STORY, there seems to be a lot of good things stirring for 2012. Was just talking to a college who wants to send an entire department…smart college. :)
  • Am also waist-deep in the writing world, which is where I prefer to be. I literally can’t get enough of it. Between my own contracts and some ghost-writing and editing work for two killer creative groups, there’ll be new initiatives and…possibly partnerships…to share as things shake out and settle in.
  • Last but not least, thanks to Donald Miller for posting another guest blog on his site today.
  • Got to be on a great call with his staff who are putting together the tour for the Blue Like Jazz movie yesterday too.
  • I think it’s a good thing I took a year of leave from teaching this year, don’t you? :)
  • I’d love to hear about any projects of people you’re excited about these days! Drop me a line anytime at sarahraymondcunningham (at) gmail (dot) com or via twitter at @sarahcunning.
  • (The pic at the top is by Ashley Porter, by the way. She’s a talented fellow mitten-dweller.)

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