Potato Head Provider
The emperor is still ruling the kingdom with a chubby iron fist.
Three days ago he learned the phrase "In a second."
Now, if asked to do anything, even if he is standing aimlessly in the middle of the room doing nothing, the guaranteed response?
In a second, mom.
When asked for information, he has also begun tapping his chin and "hmmm"ing a lot. As if he is contemplating years of philosophical readings.
It's cute. Except for when you're waiting for ten minutes while he ...
Random Summer Thoughts – Zoos
About the Zoo
Get ready to be blown away. This just in: zoos have reciprocal memberships. (You're laying on the floor in shock, aren't you?)
Translation? Snazzy zoo members get free admission to all area zoos--Binder Park, Potter Park and Toledo--and a lot of others around the country too. Who knew?
So, in case you're wondering, YES, the Cunninghams ARE now members.
And yes, Chuck did buy the free refillable "members only" cup to prove it. Jealous much?
Now all we need are some ...
Blogosphere Be Scorned
I have no excuse for not blogging the last two days.
I've been dabbling in my next book, watching movies, and finding reruns of tv series I never bothered watching.
I've been galavanting around several different zoos and traipsing through all my STORY to do lists (which, for me, is a little like working in a candy store - it's work, but it's soooo fun).
Mostly, I've been getting lost in a lot of little life moments, like when the Emperor pretends the wind gusts from the floor fan ...
The Emperor’s Summer Rule
Visitors to my house today might be wondering any number of things:
1. Why there is a baby-gate in front of the bathroom door.
2. Why a jagged piece of screen is laying in the driveway.
3. Why there are size 7 footprints on the roof.
The explanation for all of it, starts with the scene below:
I walk to the bathroom door and jiggle the handle.
"Chuck?" I ask.
"Hi Mom!!" A high pitched voice replies.
There is a whirring noise, indicating that the toilet paper roll ...
How to Eat Homemade Macaroni
Step 1: Wedge noodle onto index finger. (Make sure it is firmly attached.)
Step 2: Wave pointer-noodle in air to distract others while eating additional macaroni from opposite hand.
Step 3: Force any unruly noodles into submission.
Step 4: Occasionally unload pointer-noodle into mouth.
Step 5: When necessary, hide from controlling parents who suggest you shouldn't play with your food.
Step 6: After conning Mom out of "one sip" of her drink, insert hand and grip firmly while ...
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