4 posts tagged friendship stories

Can Friendships on Social Networks Be “Real”?

A rare story about a 50+ friendship that started with a ten year old throwing a bottled message into the North Sea. Read more of this unreal...

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32 Year Old Man Adopted By Former Foster Mom

This article tells the powerful story of a 32 year old man adopted by his former foster mom as an adult.

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Keeping In Touch: A Lesson From the Tag Brothers

Look alive, friends. This may be the one and only time I ever provide a link to ESPN on my blog. (God knows, I fulfill my dutiful-wife-sportscenter-quota thanks to Coach Cunningham.) And no, I'm not mentioning it in reference to the fact that I--not my husband (not my husband, did you get that?)--am holding down two first place spots in two different bracket tourneys. Still. But that is completely unrelated. This link is going to take you to a friendship story for the books. In ...

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friendship photos, friendship pictures, friendship pics, friendship images

Friends For Life: The Cliff Notes to Life Long Friendships

The simple secrets to lifelong friendship via friends for life who continued to meet up to take the same photo for 30 years.

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