How To Network: 10 Insights For Understanding Support Systems
deas and messages are transmitted from person to person to person, reaching far beyond the initial conversation between two parties. In order for social networks to affect change, the people in them must have some sort of connection.
Friends and Lovers
Those who are possessed by God are in the truest sense lovers. "We use "lover" for romance. But all of us are called to be lovers in all our relationships."
Prophetic Friendship: Friends as Sacraments
...As prophets to one another, we are called to speak words that do not go from lips to ears but from heart to heart. Basically, the prophets of old and our own personal prophets today announce the Good News in this ongoing sharing of grace...We know that the resurrection has happened and that Christ lives today because we have met him in our prophets.
Friendship as Sacrament
There are people in our lives with whom we may spend a great deal of time--co-workers, neighbors, members of our family, etc.--but too often we do not seem to realize that we actually share life with them;