This Computer Will Self-Destruct in 10 Seconds


So you’ve heard the old question, if your house was on fire and you could only save three things, what would you save?

The 2010 Update on that: If your computer were about to meltdown and you could only save three things, what three files would you save? (This question occurred to me as I backed-up my whole hard drive on a WD E-book yesterday.*  **)

Here are the 3 files I’d rescue:

1. My Pictures – I need those 4,019 shots of Justus tilting his head at slightly different angles. Just think how mad he’d be if I made him re-pose for all of them? Now pretend you’re four months old. No, close your mouth. You didn’t have teeth then.

2. My website stuff – Web design=not my thing. So when I finally get things the way I want them, I must save all the images and coding files involved. Those files are non-negotiable.

3. My lesson plan folder – Do I really want to invent seven different worksheets on General MacArthur all over again? No, I do not.

What does that say about me? I value memories of friends and family and my own time and hard work.





What 3 files would you save and what do your answers say about you?

BONUS: Leave your answer in the comments section of this post by midnight tonight (click comments under the title) and you’ll be entered to win today’s giveaway: Shane Claiborne’s book, Jesus for President.

FOLLOW FRIDAY TWITTER BONUS: Mention @sarahcunning in your follow friday tweets and be entered to win the bonus book, Ed Dobson’s The Year of Living Like Jesus. See the related video by clicking here.

*For those techno-illiterates like myself, a WD E-book is an external hard-drive with as much memory as my computer: around $99.

**I would’ve never know that if I didn’t have brothers. Have I ever mentioned I love brothers?

Check out yesterday’s winners here.



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    TomKinsfather January 8, 2010 (5:21 pm)

    Files I’d save from a Mac fire.

    1. My digital photography. (not the point and shoot stuff, the SLR stuff)

    2. My audio books.

    3. Rob Bell’s Nooma series.

    External HDs are a must. Make sure to back up regularly if you don’t have software that does it for you.

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    Brian Black January 8, 2010 (5:28 pm)

    Files I’d save:
    1. My sermon notes … 8 years of history
    2. My pix … for obvious reasons
    3. My Quicken data … I don’t know how to balance a checkbook w/o it.

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    Jen Rose January 8, 2010 (2:50 pm)

    I’m still in the honeymoon phase with my Macbook… that is, the naive belief it will never crash and destroy my files. :) But when reality kicks in, I would save:

    1) My entire Writings folder. If I could only save one file from that, it would be the novel manuscript I’m working on, but I’d like to keep it all, thanks.

    2) My photos and videos, of course.

    3) My iTunes library. Sure, I got most of it on CD anyway, but reloading and organizing thousands of songs is a lot of work!

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    Taima Marie January 8, 2010 (4:48 pm)

    1. All the faaaan ficition!!!! That’s like, several years worth of me slaving away making real people do imaginary things.

    2. All my NaNoWriMos. I love pointing to those files and going; “Oh well, I don’t do much. BUT I CAN WRITE A NOVEL IN A MONTH!”

    3. The Sims. I’ve just gotten Sim me to marry Sim Bam Margera.

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    Bart Browne January 8, 2010 (7:00 pm)

    2-The folder that stores the graphic designs I work on.
    3-My favorites on Firefox.

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    Mia Thorpe January 8, 2010 (7:04 pm)

    Hey! Great contests!

    If my computer went down, I’d go insane.

    I’d save my video folder, my I-tunes and my contact lists.

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    Alex Teal January 8, 2010 (7:27 pm)

    1- Family Pictures
    2- Family Video
    3- Itunes/Music

    in that order:)

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    Sheryl Kimball January 8, 2010 (8:06 pm)

    Only 3 things? (Biting nails)

    1…my powerpoints. 2…my pics 3…my bill mgmt program.

    Thanks for the contest! I loved reading thru your bog. I’ll be back!

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    Wally January 8, 2010 (8:38 pm)

    My book
    My kids curriculum
    My audio files

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    Aleta Damm January 8, 2010 (9:21 pm)

    1, Hands down my photographs. I could not handle losing them.
    2. My lesson plans- I have way to many hours of work into them
    3. My master’s project file- I have way to many hours into that too

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    Elle January 8, 2010 (9:26 pm)

    1. My pictures: They are fabulous. 15,000 pictures can’t be wrong, can they?
    2. My manuscript: Or something like it. I mean I say it is a manuscript, but really it is a bunch of my writing that I would miss. Very much.
    3. Music: Since downloading is still legal in Canada, my collection is vast. From Chris Tomlin to Crosby, Stills and Nash, I would miss them all!

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    Brad Rokowski January 8, 2010 (10:23 pm)

    1. my documents
    2. my vids
    3. my pictures


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    Evan Musselman January 8, 2010 (11:30 pm)

    1. Explorer Favorites
    2. My mother’s password file
    3. My mother’s medication list

    In some way, these three files make my life easier. I would not have a stressed out mother yelling at me for the crash, and everything I would have lost, could be recovered from bookmarked sites.

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