

Today, I’ve been thinking how my new hair straightener makes my morning routine even faster and that maybe I should get an award for fastest female readiness.

Today, I’ve been thinking that Iced Tea is the best drink in the world. And that I really am superior for discovering that.

Today, I’ve been thinking I really should take those magazines in my car to the recylcing drop-off because Justus probably gets tired of looking at Real Simple covers instead of out the window.

Today, I’ve been thinking I should DO something about Haiti.

Today, I’ve been thinking that Project Runway is kinda going down hill. Is it too many seasons or is it a casting issue? Hmmm. I can’t decide.clothes

Today, I’ve been thinking I really don’t need all these clothes.

Today, I’ve been thinking that job opp in Kansas City is really far away, but cool, but really far away, but cool…

Today, I’ve been thinking that in the end, you will regret the friendships you let go of.

Today, I’ve been thinking that, sometimes, the only thing you can do is pray.

Today, I’ve been thinking that the Incredibles was a fantastic cartoon and also that I would like to have stretching powers.

dentistToday, I’ve been thinking that I hate the dentist and wish I never had to go back as long as I lived.

Today, I’ve been thinking that my students grow on me faster than I realize, even though they periodically cuss me out for no apparent reason.

Today, I’ve been thinking, the more my son moves, the crazier my life gets. I don’t think it gets better from here.

Today, I’ve been thinking maybe I need a favorite song. Sorta like a theme song. I could play it every morning when the new episode of my life begins.

Today, I’ve been thinking that I’m just following. I’m not a Brethren or a Baptist or a Pentecostal or a Methodist or a Lutheran. I’m just running after God. Sometimes so fast I lose my breath.

Today, I’ve been thinking that Chuck has far exceeded my expectations for being a father. When did he learn to be this organized about something?

Today, I’ve been thinking that I like my orange phone, even if its not super high-tech or touchtwitterscreeny. The flip out keyboard is enough.

Today, I’ve been thinking that my readers are awesome. That maybe my readers could kick other author’s readers butts. They’re that good.

Today, I’ve been thinking that I would like to be friends with more people on Twitter. I was suspicious but I’m starting to catch on.

Today, I’ve been thinking, life is good. All is well.

What have you been thinking?

If you comment on this blog (click brown comment box under blog title) or RT/Post about this blogcomment button on Facebook, you will automatically be entered to win today’s book giveaway-The Things They Carried.This was a finalist for both the 1990 Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award.

This is part of the 25 Days of Giveaway leading up to the Feb. 1st release of Sarah’s book, Picking Dandelions.



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    Taima Marie January 27, 2010 (5:11 pm)

    Today, I have been thinking that my best friend lives very far away. And that even though we fight and hurt each other, we still love each other very much. This is her Hour Of Need, and I am not there. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I’m wondering if it would be too much if I asked her right now if she needs me to come to the funeral, or if I should wait for her to ask me. I’m wondering if I should be distracting her, or if I should be helping her come to Acceptance. Today, I have been thinking that the things that blow us over aren’t really the things that we’ve been prepping for, like flunking out of college or getting or driver’s license. They’re phone calls that we get when we’re plucking right before a bubble bath.

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    mechelle January 27, 2010 (5:32 pm)

    Today I am thinking,I wonder what my new grandson–that came today,looks like. :)

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    Kathryn Witzel January 27, 2010 (5:48 pm)

    Today I’m thinking about attending the baby shower of one of my Youth (16 years old). I’ve loved this girl since she was born and want to support her and her new baby that will arrive in about six weeks. But I’m also sad for her and her family that one bad choice has changed the course of their lives. This is a family that read the parenting book and followed the rules. But I know that this baby will be loved by his family and our church. Instead of asking why? I guess I have to just be there and love as I have been loved.

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    Chad Estes January 27, 2010 (6:01 pm)

    Today I’ve been thinking about Apple. What they heck were THEY thinking when they named their new gadget an iPad?

    Today I’ve been thinking about Mike and how blessed I am that he still pursues my friendship though he’d probably be busted by his bosses if they ever found out.

    Today I’ve been thinking about opening up on my blog about my physical health and wonder what freedom that accountability will bring.

    Today I’ve been thinking that I want one of those new Apple gadgets, no matter what they are called. Period.

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    Shannon Dittemore January 27, 2010 (6:28 pm)

    Today I’m thinking that thirty somethings could write good memoirs… until recently, I was suspicious.

    Today I’m thinking that it would be awesome to have furniture with absolutely no corners. It would at least be safer for my one-year-old.

    And today I’m thinking that if kindergarten homework kicks my butt, I just might implode as my kids grow and take on more academia!

    God bless, Sarah. Thanks for your thoughts!

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    Keith Lee January 27, 2010 (9:04 pm)

    Today I’ve been thinking….when should I start the new book I received in the mail from and waiting on the next one to show up.

    Thanks again Sarah. Looking forward to the release of Picking Dandelions and hoping inscribed copies will be available.

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    suzi January 27, 2010 (10:18 pm)

    today i’ve been thinking about the fact that all the best things in my life are things that i initially didn’t think i deserved…

    …my best friend of close to 20 years.
    …the job that it still amazes me that they actually pay me to do.
    …the family that i would be nothing without.
    …and the list goes on.

    and today i’ve been thinking about how grateful i am for all these things, and for all the things that i desire that i don’t have yet, and how it keeps me looking to the future and trusting God.

    thanks for the post, sarah!

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    Sarah Cunningham January 27, 2010 (11:19 pm)

    Tai, here’s the statement you made I love: Today, I have been thinking that the things that blow us over aren’t really the things that we’ve been prepping for

    Congrats, Mechelle!

    Kathryn, Chad, Suzi…great additions to the “I’ve been thinking” theme

    Keith and Shannon, you’re making me blush. Thanks for being excited about my project. :)

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    Jennifer Rodriguez January 28, 2010 (3:39 am)

    This is my discovery for the day… I hope it fits in here. If nothing else, you may find this is useful down the road in your years of mothering a boy. I find it particularly hilarious and had to find an outlet to share my adventerous evening.

    Should your 3 year old put a BB in his ear at 9:30 in the evening, here’s a little tutorial on what you should do:

    1. Have your child put his hands in his pockets so he does not push it in further. Also, take the spoon he’s carrying around away. Explain to him that you can not spoon a BB out of your ear or anywhere else for that matter.

    2. Attempt to vacuum the BB out of his ear. However, if your vacuum is a Dyson then go to step 3. Using a Dyson or any other similar high suction vacuum will only leave hickies on his cheek and scare the crap out of him. If the BB is still in place go to step 3.

    3. Dig through your kitchen to find a straw. If you can find one, great. If you can not find one, then locate your turkey baster. Remove the rubber squeezie top.

    4. Put the smaller end of the baster into the ear without touching the BB or pushing it in further. Suck until you’re blue in the face, repetedly. Take a break when you start to black out like you’ve been blowing up balloons or an innertube in the summer heat. Passing out would not be conducive to your situation. Pull and wiggle the ear to help loosen it. With any luck you will suck the BB out and not swallow it.

    5. The good news: You will not be spending the next 6 hours sitting in the Emergency room. AND your son’s ear is now very clean. Congratulations!

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    Amy January 28, 2010 (10:31 am)


    I don’t want to burst your bubble, so I won’t tell you that you that I actually discovered iced tea. Just pretend like you didn’t read that. Your blog is exceptionally brilliant. I am loving it.

    Take care,

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    Sherie January 28, 2010 (6:22 pm)

    Today I’ve been thinking that I would rather go to Haiti or some other place of severe desperation than deal with poverty, racism, and indifference in my own city.

    Today I’ve been realizing that being out of my comfort zone is really good for me and I actually should pursue it more often.

    Today I’ve been thinking that I just don’t understand why God chooses to love someone like me so much!

    Today I’ve been thinking that I absolutely love making other people smile.

    Today I’ve been trying to figure out how every single person can be so unique, different, and custom…. but some still believe we just evolved.

    Today I’ve been thankful to have another day to live, love, serve, give, learn, grow, be challenged.

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    Sarah Cunningham January 28, 2010 (7:42 pm)

    Amy, thanks. And you can have iced tea then. Can I have everything bagels? That may be my REAL discovery. ;)

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    Sarah Cunningham January 28, 2010 (7:42 pm)

    Sherie, love your additions. The one on Haiti=insightful.

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    Sherie January 29, 2010 (8:37 pm)

    Considering I am 3 weeks into planting a church and want to reach those who are disillusioned and lost, especially with the church…..

    Haiti = OUCH! I’m really having to work examine my heart.

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    Stephanie February 24, 2010 (8:03 pm)

    Today I am thinking that I am glad I am finally taking the time to read an old friends blog. (I loved her book.) WINK

    Today I am thinking that as energetic and wild as my three kids are at times, they are GREAT kids and I am very blessed to have them.

    Today I am thinking that I need to slow down and enjoy the little pleasures of life.

    Today I am thinking that I can’t wait for the weather to get nicer so I can start running again.

    Today I am thinking that I need to mend some fences and reconnect with some old friends.

    Today I am thinking that God does have a plan for me, and I am going to let him show me the way.

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