You Would Pay to Meet This Guy

intersectionEvery day on the way home from work, I pass the most spectacular crossing guard on the planet.


I would put him up against any crossing guard in the country.

Not only is he vigilant about getting the kids across the street safely, but he’s ecstatic about it.

He maneuvers his flags, complimented by beaming smiles, as if he is the first human to ever welcome an alien spaceship to earth.

But don’t think when those kids continue on that he loses his chipperness.

Because, oh boy, I can tell you. He does not.

When the kids move down the road, he continues to smile, waving his flags in some sort of choreographed routine (not making this up), and chants some sort of upbeat children’s song (I have yet to maneuver my car through the light at the exact speed needed to determine which one).

It is like an off broadway production.

You would buy tickets to sit at this intersection.

But it makes me think, he loves what he does.

He knows what real contentment is.

Paul said, “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11)

Can I say that for myself?

What about you?

Can you?

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If you comment on this blog (click brown comment box under blog title) or RT/Post about this blog on Facebook, you will automatically be entered to win today’s book giveaway- The Triumphs of Joseph: How Today’s Community Healers Are Reviving Our Streets and Neighborhoods. Woodson, founder and president of the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise and recipient of a MacArthur “genius” grant, argues for increased recognition and support of agents of grass-roots change in the inner city.

This is part of the 25 Days of Giveaway leading up to the Feb. 1st release of Sarah’s book, Picking Dandelions.



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    Taima Marie January 26, 2010 (6:29 pm)

    In a word-no, no I can’t.

    Then again, I’m pretty tired of college. And I’m rather–disillusioned with being an adult. So maybe I’m just bitter.

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    Melissa Lea January 26, 2010 (8:58 pm)

    Contentment…oh, how I need to work on this!

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    Danielle January 26, 2010 (9:19 pm)

    I can!! I love my work! I started a tutoring business 2 years ago after my new principal did not appreciate my teaching style…. I love every minute with these kids! I am able to teach them my way, and watching them grow and learn is a gift every day! I know I am one of the lucky few. I would have never made this leap on my own, but getting fired was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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    rosann lerczak January 26, 2010 (9:25 pm)

    where is this intersection?
    i want to see this guy, i love my work also.

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    Sherie January 26, 2010 (11:20 pm)

    I found contentment this year as I finally came to truly understand the depth of the Gospel and that my life is all about the Lord and not about me. Now the circumstances of my life pale every day as I live with true hope and joy that stems from so deep inside. Life may be hard at times, but I am truly content with where I am at and all that is growing and changing in my life. This came through hitting rock bottom. Five years ago I was abused in a church which led to a long season of struggle where I was trapped in deep confusion and huge identity questions. After working very hard to heal I moved to another state and joined a church only to be excommunicated without clear explanation about what I did wrong, only some vague statements that I didn’t submit correctly to the pastor. I had nothing left and turned to God in full submission and repentance. The confusion and pain I had walked in for those years broke open and changed. My heart truly changed. I found forgiveness, healing, and real life changing faith.

    I just stopped by Sarah, to let you know your first book helped me on this journey as I held onto my hope that true life and contentment could be found with God even if I felt disillusioned with the Church and some of the leaders. Thank you!

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    Sarah Cunningham January 27, 2010 (8:11 am)

    Taimia, it will pass, girl. It will pass.

    Melissa, congrats! Your are our prize winner. I sent you an email with instructions.

    Danielle, it sounds like you’ve found your niche. I wish you well.

    Rosann, The corner of West and Morrell. You can’t miss him. :)

    Sherie, Wow. Big journey on your part. Thanks for sharing. I’m glad my experiences in Dear Church lent a little understanding.

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