Memoir; Faith & Spirituality
Picking Dandelions
First published in 2010.
Summary of Contents
Sarah Cunningham, a moderate middle-class white girl who grew up in the Michigan countryside, speaks about God with humor and honesty more characteristic of liberal west-coast writers.
In this warm and witty memoir, she describes finding and keeping a personal faith in the quirky settings of her ultra-Christian childhood. Whether recounting living next to a cemetery, teaching at-risk high schoolers, or listening to her grandmother’s stories about being a British ‘war bride,’ the author weaves faith into down-to-earth metaphors of growth and renewal, planting and reaping, greenery and weeds.
In the end, Cunningham succeeds in sifting through the dysfunctions and flaws of human life and discovering pockets of God’s original Eden goodness for both herself and for you. Picking Dandelions is a candid and personal account of outgrowing laissez-faire Christianity, moving into mature faith, and realizing that a God-following person is a changing person … and you just might follow suit.
Remembering Eden
Sarah describes how people today don’t experience the world as God intended in it’s original design back at Eden.
Parts I-IX
In vignettes from Sarah’s life, she describes how she started with a simple childhood faith, where she casually gave her life to God like a child innocently handing her mother a dandelion. Throughout the book, Sarah weaves together humor and insight to reveal faith grows–and HAS to grow–to remain authentic over the course of a person’s life.
Publication Information
Paperback: 224 pages
Published: First Ed. 2010
Available in: English, Small and Large Print
Edition: First Edition
Publisher: Zondervan