OUR Jesus

You know what I love about Jesus mosaics like this one? They capture our diversity.

We all have different ideas about what Jesus looked like.

Some see a white guy rocking the white and blue robe (we’ll call that Aquafresh Jesus)?
Some picture a tanned Middle Easterner just off the beach (Tall Dark and Handsome Jesus)?
Still others envision a dark-skinned athlete with a serious fro (Urban Chic Jesus)?

And we all have a different idea of what his personality was like too.

Maybe he was warm and personal–the kind of guy who made you melt just to hear him talk.
Maybe he was witty and sarcastic–the type of person you knew was brilliant the moment he opened his mouth.
Maybe he was gentle and soft–the sort of human who made you feel immediately at ease.

But maybe in our journey to understand him, the best picture of Jesus we get is the one we shape together.
Maybe when we put all our little understandings of what Jesus is like, it adds up to a fuller understanding.
And maybe that’s just as much a hypothesis about living together as the Church as it is about the Jesus mosaic above.

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    Robin November 26, 2010 (11:16 am)

    I have wondered if Jesus took the common personality test which one would He be? INFJ? ENFP? I am curious about these things:)

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    Sarah November 27, 2010 (1:20 pm)

    Hahaha. I bet people could write theses papers defending various MBTI profiles assigned to Jesus. :)