Just Who Do You Think You Are?
Being a writer…
It isn’t everything you might imagine.
There are good days. Days when you talk to or get emails from people who’ve been impacted by your writing.
Days when you feel good about what you’ve written, about who you are, about what you’re standing for in this world.
But there are other days too.
Days when a couple book contracts aren’t enough to give you an impenetrable spirit.
Days when you feel like pulling yours books off the shelves, taking articles back and deleting your presence on the net.
Days when you think if you can’t even do something simple–show a family member you appreciate them, maintain a friendship that means a lot to you, or freaking get to your laundry on time–then what business do you have sharing any wisdom with anyone else?
There are days when you ask yourself, just who do you think you are?
I want to write more on this blog, but lately, I’ve been having the wrong kind of days.
Being a writer? There are days when its everything you want it to be. And there are days when its like anything–like being a spouse, a parent, a friend, a HUMAN. It isn’t always everything you imagine.