Bloggers Will Still Be Moved by the Same Truth

“…especially in America, there is talk of phasing out the print media for the more immediate demands of hurrying humanity who, with one click of the computer mouse, must be informed daily about what is going on in the world. With this, we see the possible demise of words on paper in order to give way to this electronic phenomenon.

But the soul of literature, its nature to sing of human triumph and heroism or lament man’s failures and faithlessness, remains the same, because despite the varied means employed by old and new technology, be it the scroll, the moveable type, the computerized color offset, or the electronic media, writers are guided by the truths of the same unchangeable moral universe.

For no technological advances can change the super-reality of this moral universe. Writers everywhere will still be moved by the same truths, will be propelled by the same consciousness, and literature would still sing of man’s courage and greatness. “

~From the ethics of writing by The Ethics of Writing in the Digital Age by Azucena Grajo Uranza
Also see a related post: A Blog-Poster’s Code of Ethics.


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