Darn Faulty Vocal Chords … Always Acting Up

Occasionally, like when Justus wakes up, he begins screaming HYSTERICALLY. Like wake-the-neighbors-for-Armageddon decibels.

Ever the dutiful mom, I rush over to him.

Strategy #1

I scoop screaming baby up. “Oh no. You’re falling apart???!”

He screams his confirmation. He may only have minutes left…

I stand him up in front of me and check his limbs. Move both arms. Legs. Its like the 31-point check they give you with an oil change.

“Good news,” I finally report back to him. “As it turns out, you’re not falling apart.”

He looks confused. Well, then why was I screaming?!?

“Nope, in fact, our report shows you’re brand new. Not a scratch on you.”

He is stunned by his good fortune.

“Yeah, we think what happened is your vocal chords got stuck on high. That happens on some of the newer models. Nothing a little flying through the air like superman can’t fix.”

He breathes a sigh of relief.

Catastrophe avoided again.


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