Snazzy Ways To Get People To Notice You Love Them

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Get people to notice you love them.

Humans experience something called change blindness.

“Change blindness” means, when things change slightly, over a period of time, we often fail to notice.

If we’re at a restaurant and they spike the music eight notches, all at once, we’re startled. We look around confused, wondering why the jarring change of sound?

But if we’re at that same restaurant and they gradually, over two hours time, turn the music up one notch every fifteen minutes, we won’t likely notice the eight-notch change.

That means if you really feel prompted to show someone you appreciate them, that you enjoy their company, value their friendship and so on, you might need to do more than hold the door or send a text message.

This is especially true with people, who may have baggage or hangups that hold them down. Because of previously bad experiences, they may be a little less likely to notice when friendship is being extended. They may already be feeling like few people notice them, already be anxious they aren’t more popular or successful, already be feeling rejected by some person or group.

When we want to say we care, sometimes we have to go for broke. Get surprising! Break out the creative!

Get people to notice you love them.

Decorate their office just for fun.

Order a singing telegram.

Deliver a bouquet of gourmet suckers.

Spell out funny sentences in magnets or candy hearts.

Make a video about an inside joke.

Give them a crazy award with a spiffy homemade certificate.

Go ahead. Get people to notice you love them.

Think of something.

Something personal, something unique to the two of you.

Celebrate something quirky. Something usual. Something everyday.

And make ordinary friendship extraordinary.


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