What People Are Saying: Jen Hatmaker, Ellayne Shaw, Amy Bishop, Jonathan Merritt

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Some days I really love the internet.

Today is one of those days. So many people writing so many gracious, redemptive things that stir good in this world. Here are some recent links of interest along those lines.

Larissa Willard gives ’em Heaven –> The High Calling

Jen Hatmaker writes about denominations, divisions, labeling –> A Deeper Story

Bethany Keely-Jonker on True Empathy Amidst Awareness Overload –> Think Christian

A Ted Talk, via Momastery, on why it’s braver to be Clark Kent than Superman –> Momastery

Some slides about living and doing business in a collaborative economy from Amy Bishop –> Marketing Strategy

Ellayne Shaw on how Facebook is doing it all wrong –> Ellayne’s blog

Loving the Disabled: an Interview with Amy Julia Becker –> Jonathan Merritt


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