So Yesterday…
So yesterday my website was compromised.
Meaning some crackerjack spy-type tried to set up a phishing account at this URL.
(You wondered why I was suddenly asking for your credit card numbers, didn’t you?)
(That new yacht in the yard has nothing to do with that…so forget you ever saw it.)
(What yacht?)
Upon reflection, I’ve decided to take the whole website hijacking thing as a compliment though.
Obviously some sort of extremely intelligent and intuitive villain recognized the power behind my empire of eclectic writing, passionate drivel and baby stories.
(It’s about time. One would’ve thought some mastermind would’ve targeted this kind of value YEARS ago.) =)
Thankfully, my web man Steven Baldwin (who ISN’T, by the way, the infamous self-nicknamed “Stevie-B” from Apprentice seasons past) thwarted the attempt to hijack my site.
Then he had the nerve to suggest I change my username and password to something other than admin/admin.
Can you believe it?
Like THAT had anything to do with it.
They wanted my empire, Steven. They wanted my empire.