Flies Have No Apple Products

  • Yesterday, the Apple store delivered a pre-announcement…that there WOULD BE an announcement today at 10 a.m. (If I ever tried to deliver a pre-announcement, people would just pre-ignore me.)
  • I’m like the newest and slowest moving member of the Apple cult, but I felt like I should go just in case because this was sorta like my first family meeting. Thanks to Ben and Mike, I’ve joined the Apple clan–going from zero to two apple products in a matter of months.
  • (The best part is, as cool as Apple gifts are, they still pale in comparison to the non-gift contributions these two friends have made in my life. And I can’t always say that of all gifts or their givers.)
  • Getting back to the Apple announcement, you’ve probably heard, it was about the Beatles now being on i-Tunes. Which is cool because I really like some Beatles stuff.
  • (Like I love Let It Be. Because I need to learn how to do that more. Let. it. be. Sarah. And I love All You Need is Love. Because, well, I.LOVE.love. )
  • Meanwhile other companies lined up to announce their own techie-news this week too. Facebook is offering email now, if you haven’t heard. First email, then running water, then flights to the moon.What doesn’t look better with a square blue F icon on it?
  • I tend to get bored and question whether news is really “news” when headlines are about software upgrades and 2.0 apps. But occasionally, I like what I see…like when youtube let non-profits raise money via vids. That was cool of them.
  • I’m not the only one who gets a little bit cynical about all this tech-i-ness sometimes. Some people are even doing research on the downsides. Like how dependence on GPS-es actually make us stupider.   But I can’t tweet that one because I sucked at directions long before GPS-es started draining people’s brains. As soon as you say go down the road one mile and take a <insert left or right>, I have already mentally reviewed items #1-7 on my to do list and am on #8 which is saving the world. Twice over.
  • I only nod so you think I’m listening. Then I just drive around and get lost (because I’m talking on my phone rather than using its GPS-features.)
  • Sometimes I get on my high horse about technology. Like I desperately want to assert that RT-ing for a charity is NOT the same thing as taking a moral stand in “real” life. But then people like Katelyn, my editor at Christianity Today, remind me that our technology habits are still a part of “real life” because we use technology to mediate real life friendships. (Here’s the article I wrote for CT on this subject this week.)
  • And Katelyn is right. There are several people in my life who I couldn’t be invested in if it wasn’t for technology covering the distance for us. One in fact is my gorgeous niece Gracie who the emperor and I are going to Skype with as soon as I post this blog note. Thank you, technology.
  • And just so you know I read two–TWO!–articles on the techno-loving internet yesterday about what research scientists are learning about humans from studying flies. FLIES. Sort of humbling. Two of a kind–us and those flies. Hard to believe. They don’t even have i-Phones.

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